
How long is a pre-approval letter good for?

By |2019-05-18T22:13:34-07:00September 10th, 2018|Categories: |

A pre-approval letter is good for 90 days from the time it’s run. Many big lenders will automatically re-run a credit check every 90 days, but we don’t want that. I have hands-on relationship with my clients. I stay in [...]

Why not use online loan approval apps?

By |2019-05-18T22:16:15-07:00September 10th, 2018|Categories: |

Quicken Loans, Rocket Mortgage, the fill-in-the-blanks form on your bank’s online banking interface, all of these online loan approval systems are designed to benefit them, not you. They want to gather your data and determine if you are, [...]

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